Special Services & Holy Days
Ash Wednesday (March 5, 2025)
Wednesday 7am + 12pm + 7pm
Imposition of Ashes at all services with Holy Eucharist
Palm Sunday (April 13, 2025)
Follows our regular schedule:
Saturday 5pm + Sunday 8am + Sunday 10am
Check the bulletin for starting location: the Close Garden or the Church Patio
Maundy Thursday (April 17, 2025)
7pm Service
Holy Eucharist, Celebration of the Last Supper, the Foot-washing, and the Stripping of the Altar
In the Church
The Watch follows the service in the Chapel of the Holy Innocents' for one hour.
“Could you not stay awake with me for even one hour?”
Good Friday (April 18, 2025)
12:00pm Stations of the Cross with Choral Devotional
in the Church
7pm The Liturgy of Good Friday
In the Church
The Great Vigil of Easter
(April 19, 2025)
7:03pm (Sunset) The Great Vigil of Easter
Starts on the Patio and moves into the Church
Includes the Blessing of the New Fire, The Lighting of the Paschal Candle, The Great Vigil, Holy Baptism, and the First Eucharist of Easter.
Easter Day (April 20, 2025)
7:00am Sunrise Service / Holy Communion
in the Close Garden
9:00am Family Service / Holy Communion
in the Carlozzi Gymnasium with choir
10:00am Annual Easter Egg Hunt
for 3rd grade and younger will be on the Day School campus following the 9am service.
11:00am High Mass with Incense
in the Church with choir
The Celebration of Our Day School (September/October 2025)
Come enjoy this festive day to honor our Day School! Music from the Day School Choristers and the Choir of All Saints' Church with a guest preacher.
The Blessing of the Animals (October 5, 2025)
Blessings for pets of all sizes and kinds, Holy Communion for all people. Bring a leash or a crate as appropriate for your pet. Plan on a great time to "paws" for prayer in celebration of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Everyone is invited. Bring friends, neighbors, family, and of course, their pets!
All Souls' Requiem (November 2, 2025)
Please join us to observe a Solemn Requiem for All Souls’ Day to remember our loved ones who have died and those who are buried in our Close. The All Saints' Choirs perform.
Seabury Sunday (November 16, 2025)
Join us for SEABURY SUNDAY at the 10am service. Enjoy the bagpipes and drums of the Mesa Caledonian Pipe Band. Wear your tartans. All in celebration of Samuel Seabury, the First Episcopal Bishop, consecrated in Scotland in 1789.
Christmas (December 24, 2025)
Jesus Christ, fully God and fully human, came to earth to bring hope, to give light to those sitting in darkness and death’s shadow, and to guide us into the way of peace in our hearts and in our troubled world. That was Good News two-thousand years ago, and it is Good News today.
We invite you to join us to celebrate:
Christmas Eve (December 24)
3:30pm A Children’s Liturgy for Christmas Eve with Holy Eucharist
6:00pm Lessons & Carols with Holy Eucharist with All Saints’ Choristers
8:30pm Festival Eucharist with Choir and Sermon
11:00pm Festival Eucharist with Incense, Choir and Sermon
Christmas Day (December 25)
10:00am Holy Eucharist