Annual Meeting 2017

  • Rector, Fr. Poulson Reed led the Annual Meeting

    The Annual Parish Meeting of All Saints' Episcopal Church was held at 10am on Sunday, January 29, 2017.  The quorum voted by acclamation for four new Vestry members, 1 new Junior Warden, 5 Diocesan Convention Delegates, 1 Alternate Diocesan Convention Delegate, and approved the Second Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation.

  • Our New Class of 2017 Vestry Members

    We welcome Ann Cheri Foxx Leach, Marcia Scott, Nancy Calkins, and Jeff Ellish. 

  • Dave English, Our New Junior Warden for 2017

  • 2017 Vestry Commendation: Anne Kleindienst

    In thanksgiving for a decade of invaluable service to All Saints' as our Chancellor and more than 36 years of active participation in our parish.

  • Rector Appointment:

    Tim Haskins, Senior Warden for 2017

  • Rector Appointment:

    Travys Harvey, Chancellor for 2017

  • Continuing Vestry Appointment:

    Stacy Gibson, Treasurer for 2017

Approved by the Congregation

The Second Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation

The Executive Committee of the Parish, beginning early in 2016, undertook a comprehensive review of the current Articles and Canons of the Parish to determine necessary updates and improvements to recommend to the Vestry.  As a result of such reviews, the Executive Committee recommended to the Vestry for its approval proposed Second Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation (the “Amended Articles”) and proposed Amended and Restated Canons (the “Amended Canons”).  The Vestry approved the Amended Canons. The Vestry also approved the Amended Articles which were then submitted to and approved by the Bishop and the Standing Committee. The Members of the Parish approved the Amended Articles at the Annual Meeting in on January 29, 2017.  After all required approvals are obtained, the  Parish will then file Articles of Amendment, including the Amended Articles, with the Arizona Corporation Commission (“ACC”).  The current articles of the Parish have not been amended since 1981.

TO SEE THE APPROVED amendments to the articles, please click here.