The Loneliness in America Project 2020

A Resource of All Saints’ Episcopal Church


We welcome you to explore the digital resources of the Loneliness in America Project; an awareness and education destination designed to help you, your family, your church, or your community group understand the prevalence and impact of loneliness in America. One out of four Americans is chronically lonely, and chronic loneliness is surprisingly damaging to our physical health.  We are all at risk. Five common habits of mind and lifestyle can lead us toward greater social isolation and our hope is to sensitize you to these habits in your own life. 

Click through to find materials you can print out and share with others, digital presentations that are perfect for small group learning and discussion, and information about bringing a Loneliness in America Project speaker to your group. 



The Loneliness in America Project is the ministry focus of Deacon Patrice Al-Shatti Taylor, MSW. Patrice is a retired medical and geriatric social worker and the survivor of a family member’s suicide, so she has seen loneliness in many forms, including its most tragic manifestation. Lonely people often feel embarrassed to talk about their feelings and may hide in plain sight, under the radar, around us, among us. 

Loneliness affects half of all Americans, who tell researchers that they sometimes or always feel alone. Four in ten of us say that we literally have no one with whom to share important news. Awareness is important because many of us don’t know that loneliness moves far beyond stereotypes. For instance, in 2018, 18-22-year olds were the loneliest generation, not the elderly. And the highest suicide rate, a reasonable gauge of chronic loneliness, is among middle aged men, not young adults.

All Saints’ Episcopal Church is passionate about sharing this content with you because we believe that loneliness is one of the biggest social and spiritual challenges facing us in the 21st Century. When we start to understand how easy it is to slip into isolating habits and how much they can harm us, we take an important step in making ourselves and our communities stronger.





The downloads available here at the Loneliness in America Project are yours to keep and share with others. Please send us feedback about how you use them and what related content you’d like to see. Click on the Contact page to arrange a free presentation at your church or community group if you are in Arizona. Currently, we have two forms of digital downloads available, printable flyers and brochures, and previews of PowerPoint presentations that can be offered to small groups. In the future, you will find teaching modules for children’s groups, a module for a five-week adult educational group, and materials for a half-day adult workshop, so check back periodically. Spreading the word about loneliness is literally lifesaving. Let us give you the tools you need to educate yourself and others. We are not alone if we act together.

  • Printable trifold brochures, with space for your organization's customization, on a variety of topics to share with others and the loneliness self-assessment tool--considered to be the most accurate measure of personal loneliness (the University of California at Los Angeles Loneliness Scale).  

  • Facilitator and participant guides for different types of small group experiences. 

  • A PDF preview of the "Flying Solo" presentation, the primary product of the Loneliness in America Project and announcement flyers to help you get the word out if you decide to schedule this "free-to-you" one-hour program. You will also find a PDF preview of a presentation on Digital Simplicity, which address technology's role in our growing isolation, and a compelling series of three spiritually focused YouTube presentations on the importance and art of relationship by All Saints' educator, Lucian Taylor. 

Contact Us

The Rev. Patrice Al-Shatti Taylor


All Saints' Episcopal Church

6300 North Central Avenue

Phoenix, Arizona 85012-1190

602.279.5539 office