The Acolytes Corps & C.L.A.S.P.
CLASP meets monthly at 9am. Location and dates to be determined so watch the bulletin insert and the eblast.
The Youth Acolyte Corps is a group of youth, grades 4-12, who volunteer their time and talent to serve during the Sunday morning liturgies, as well as special services like Christmas Eve and Holy Week. They perform a variety of roles including, but not limited to, carrying the processional crosses, torches, flags, and assisting with incense. These youth are trained to assist the priest (celebrant) at the altar, take part in the Gospel procession and assist with the setting of the altar for the Eucharist. The acolytes also perform the important role of providing a model for the congregation in terms of participation in the liturgy.
Our Acolyte Corps also actively engages in Christian formation. We like to call this portion of our program C.L.A.S.P. All Saints' parish mission consists of Connecting, Learning, Serving, and Praying. As acolytes, we find ourselves right in the middle of this - exactly where we want to be! The word "clasp" means to grasp tightly, to fasten; a device with interlocking parts or an embrace. We are working out how to hold on to many things in our world: our families and friends, our Christian traditions, and our communities. We are figuring out how we, as the body of Christ, can do this together. It's hard work! It's also great fun! We have monthly discussions on these topics and also have activities and service projects so we can get to know ourselves and our fellow acolytes better. We hope you will join us in our ministry. If you are in grades four and up, and are interested in getting involved, please email Mr. Timothy Hyland at or call at 602-228-3712.