Weekly Worship Services

Celebrations of the Holy Eucharist

Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday 8:00am

Sunday 10:00am

Wednesday 12:00pm

With an emphasis on beautiful liturgy in our Episcopal tradition and excellence in music, worship at All Saints' provides an opportunity to give thanks and praise to God.  We offer a variety of services so you can find just the right setting to make your worship time meaningful, comforting, and inspiring.  

We engage all our senses, sharing music, listening to the word of God in Scripture and participating in a communal symbolic meal. Your ears will hear the spoken and sung voice along with the sounds of the pipe organ. Your hands will be able to touch holy water upon entering and your forehead as you make the "sign of the cross." Your eyes will see light and shadow, rich colors cast by stained glass windows and candles, and art both ancient and new expressing visually the faith of the Church. Your nose will smell candles burning and sometimes incense, and your tongue will taste the Bread of Heaven. Traditional Christian worship is active, and invites the participation of the entire congregation.

  • More Intimate Settings

    Wednesday 12:00pm Holy Eucharist & Healing Service NOW IN THE ST. BARBARA ROOMS

    A lovely service that includes healing prayers, readings, a homily, and communion in a shorter time-frame to allow for a brown-bag lunch fellowship time afterward.  Consider it a "Holy Lunch Break." 

    Saturday 5:00pm Holy Eucharist NOW IN THE ST. BARBARA ROOMS

    A quiet evening service that includes prayers, readings, a sermon, and communion.

    Sunday 8:00am Holy Eucharist in the Church

    A quiet morning service that includes prayers, readings, a sermon, and communion.

    Thank you for your patience while we get our Chapel AC fixed. 

  • True To Our Tradition

    Sunday 10:00am Choral Eucharist in the Church

    This main worship gathering features traditional worship, including music by members of the Choir, organ, prayers, readings, a sermon, and communion. 


  • Choral Evensong

    A deeply moving service with candlelight, sung prayers, chant, and incense. Sung on selected dates in the church calendar, Evensong is one of the jewels of the Anglican tradition, with sung settings of the psalms, evening canticles and prayers from the 1662 Prayer Book. Experience the timeless texts as interpreted by celebrated composers.  



  • More Prayer Offerings

    Rosary Prayer:  Sunday, 9:00 am IN-PERSON IN THE ST. MARY'S CHAPEL just off the main Altar, as well as ONLINE FACEBOOK & YOUTUBE   

    A 20-minute devotion that guides us on a journey with God through the joy, sorrow, and ultimately the light and glory of our life in Christ.