Welcoming all to transformation in Jesus Christ through prayer, learning, service, and connection in the Episcopal Tradition.
Welcoming All . . .
We welcome all to All Saints’ Episcopal Church. Here you will find a diverse community: conservatives and liberals, seniors and young families, singles and those in committed partnerships of different sexual orientations, from different economic and cultural backgrounds. How do we maintain this “Big Tent” in such polarized times? We are non-partisan, respect the dignity of every person, and practice a centrist tradition of the Gospel that binds us together, following Jesus Christ according to the Episcopal middle way.
to transformation in Jesus Christ . . .
We strive to follow the example and teachings of Jesus Christ as his disciples in all we do, growing more and more into people of faith, hope and love, nourished by God’s Word and Sacraments.
through prayer . . .
Our worship is according to the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, and comes from a tradition that combines the best of Catholic and Protestant elements. Our worship varies from small, daily services to large, festive gatherings; it is always reverent, encouraging, and according to the patterns of the ancient Church. Wear what is comfortable for you, and expect friendly smiles from clergy and members alike.
We are known for some of the finest traditional music in the Valley, and we commit ourselves to offering our very best in the worship of God. Our choirs and organists provide beautiful Anglican music for our Sunday services, as well as monthly Choral Evensong in the evening.