Upon completing the requirements of the Deacon Formation Academy, The Reverend James Bade was ordained as a vocational (permanent) Deacon in the Diocese of Arizona. He was assigned by the Bishop to serve at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Phoenix where he had been a member since 1984. Prior to entering ordained ministry, Deacon Bade served at All Saints’ as an usher, Evening Prayer officiant, and Education for Ministry (EFM) mentor. In his secular life he worked for 30 years in Information Technology specializing in financial, accounting, and manufacturing systems.
Deacon Bade’s ministry of servanthood focuses on the elderly, the poor, and those who have lost their connection to the church. In addition to pastoral ministry, he works with advocacy groups that seek to bring about change and fairness to Arizona’s criminal justice system.
Deacon Bade has three adult children (all girls) and five grandchildren. He has been a resident of Arizona since 1960 and lives in the downtown area with his cat, a big Maine Coon named Sully.