Let us walk with Christ in the Desert this Lent . . .
SACRED REST, in an Hour or Less
Plan to join Deacon Patrice for this coming Lenten season. Every Monday evening from February 27- April 3, ,we will gather on Zoom at 6:30pm for 20 minutes of centering prayer and 30 minutes spent exploring ways to simplify our homes, priorities, schedules, and information intake so that we can think, pray, rest and just be. Plan to start your week in contemplation and community this coming Lent. No registration required. Watch for the zoom link as Lent approaches and share it with your friends and family!
Here is the Zoom link for Sacred Rest and the weekly topics.
Feb 27 A Life of Speed and Distraction
March 6 Center the Mind and Heart
March 13 Honor the Body
March 20 Essentialism
March 27 The Authentic Self
April 3 What Does Enough Look Like?
Topic: Sacred Rest
Time: Feb 27, 2023 06:30 PM Arizona
Every week on Mon, 6 occurrence(s)
Feb 27, 2023 06:30 PM
Mar 6, 2023 06:30 PM
Mar 13, 2023 06:30 PM
Mar 20, 2023 06:30 PM
Mar 27, 2023 06:30 PM
Apr 3, 2023 06:30 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 3657 1991
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+1 669 444 9171 US
Meeting ID: 856 3657 1991
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdSfod5Bcq
Adult Confirmation Classes
Wednesday Evenings from 6-8pm: Starting March 1 for 8 weeks
This group is for adults who wish to be baptized, confirmed, or received into The Episcopal Church (including those already confirmed in other denominations), and Episcopalians who wish to reaffirm their commitment of faith. This is a group committed to support one another as we walk together the path of faith, following Jesus. We get to know each other, pray, and study the Christian faith in the Episcopal tradition. We will read together, “Walk in Love” Episcpal Beliefs and Practices. Fr. Dan Burner and parishioner Michael King are the mentors. To reserve your place, email cvalentine@allsaintsoncentral.org.
Evening Prayer in Lent
Please join us in celebrating Evening Prayer every Wednesday in March from 9:00 to 9:15pm in the Chapel. Evening Prayer will begin with a Lucernarium, the service of light, and continue with singing of canticles and prayers which will draw us not only into our own devotion but place us in the midst of the eternal prayer of the Church. The full choir will be present as we commit ourselves and the entire parish to Christ's protection.
Adult Formation: Sundays at 9am in St. Barbara
Living Discipleship: Celebrating the Saints
Sundays, February 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26
Join the formation leaders of All Saints’ this Lent to learn more about the saints of the Church. Living Discipleship: Celebrating the Saints is a five-week exploration of the riches of God’s glorious inheritance made real in the lives of the saints who have gone before us. The saints witness to us what the life of faith looks like, lived out in real time, and they challenge us to live out our own discipleship more fully and fearlessly. They will inspire your Lenten journey. Join us in community to learn from these spiritual masters.
Lenten Half-Day Prayer Session
'Sponsored by the Daughters of the King and the Young Adults' Group of All Saints'
Saturday, March 18
3:00pm Meditative Arts and Journaling
4:30pm Taizé Prayer Service
5:00pm Holy Eucharist
6:00pm Soup & Bread Lenten Meal
Opportunities for Prayer
Celebrations of the Holy Eucharist
Saturday 5pm in the Chapel | Sunday 8am in the Church | Sunday 10am in the Church
Livestream Sunday 10am on YouTube and Facebook (can be watched at any time after as well)
Rosary Prayer
Sunday mornings 9:15am in the Chapel
Choral Evensong
Sunday, March 19
5pm Service
Evening Prayer with the Choir
March 1, 8,15, 22, 29
7:30pm in the Chapel
Saturday, March 18 from 3-6pm
Details above.
Opportunities for Service
Join us for these Special In-Person Outreach Opportunities:
André House
Here is the link for signing up to serve dinner at our partner downtown mission helping the homeless.
March 19 from 3-7:15 PM, 10 spots available
Feed My Starving Children
Help make food product bags that save children around the world from a life of starvation.
Group name All Saints Episcopal Church Group size 12 spots reserved
(We have 1 name(s) for your 12 spots.)Location 1345 S. Alma School Road
Mesa, AZ 85210Date Saturday, March 25, 2023 Time 09:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. To sign up, please email Chesirae Valentine (at cvalentine@allsaintsoncentral.org) your first and last name, plus a valid email address.
Stuff the Blessings (into our Blessing Bags)
April 2 -- the last volunteer opportunity this Lent! Come help pack blessing bags for our street dependent neighbors after the 10 AM service in St. Barbara Hall. No need to RSVP, all are welcome!
NourishPhoenix (details coming soon)
Opportunities for Connection
Faith + Film Lenten Family Movie Series
Join us for an evening of film and conversation. Bring your blankets, favorite snacks, and a $5 donation. We'll bring the popcorn, chairs, and beverages. Oh, and the movie!
All movies will begin promptly at 7:10pm in St. Barbara.
March 10: Groundhog Day
March 29: The Princess Bride
April 19: The Prince of Egypt
Virtual Men's Breakfast EVERY THURSDAY
All Saints’ men to come together for a Virtual Men’s Breakfast on Zoom every Thursday at 8am. To join on the day, click on the link to Join the Men’s Breakfast Zoom Meeting below. Join us when you are able. Bring your favorite coffee mug, tea cup, and breakfast; be that fruit, toast, or fried eggs and sizzling bacon. There is no agenda for the gathering, just friendly conversation. Questions, please email Tom Walker: tomwalker.jazz@gmail.com. To Join the Men’s Breakfast Zoom Meeting Click on the link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81477216264?pwd=WURjdDRXTkVySzViK3RjeFE4T1RUZz09
Meeting ID: 814 7721 6264
Password: 416506
Virtual Women's Breakfast EVERY FRIDAY
All women of All Saints' are invited to join the All Saints' Women's Breakfast group every Friday at 9:30am on Zoom. The meeting is BYOC (bring your own coffee)! Simply click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89979883593?pwd=bWYyRFQ0MU1zVTd0MTg0a0ExWmFyZz09
and follow the instructions on your screen to join the meeting! (If prompted, you may need to enter the Meeting ID: 899 7988 3593 or Password: 411001).Questions? contact Joyce Moderow
text: 602-957-3211 (preferred) / or email: jamoderow@gmail.com
Upcoming In-Person Women’s Breakfasts at 9am
Thursday, March 9: Moon Valley Diner, 502 East Thunderbird Road (northwest corner of 7th Street and Thunderbird).
Tuesday, April 11: First Watch / Park Central, 3110 North Central Avenue
Caring Crafters will be meeting at Panera Bread (20th St. south of Camelback) on the 3rd Thursday each month at 4pm. See you coming soon: March 16 and April 21 at 4:00pm. For more information contact SharronLuther@yahoo.com
20s and 30s Group
For anyone in their young adulting life, join other twenty- and thirty-somethings for fellowship, ministry, and evening services. The group meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month - March 14 and April 11. For questions, please email Chesirae Valentine at cvalentine@allsaintsoncentral.org
Lenten Family Praxis Guide
Prayers, Insights on the Saints, Family Activities, and Reflections for everyone . . .
Click here to print your own copy. Also available at the Welcome Table in the narthex/lobby.
Your Lenten Journal
Click here to view or print a page you can use for your daily Lenten journal. Write down your thoughts,
copy the prayer you found comforting, list the ideas you want to pursue, or draw anything interesting you encounter on your Lenten Journey 2023.
Note: This form was from 2020, but it was requested by several members to put up again.